We know that making time for and attending a medical appointment for yourself is not easy when you support someone living with dementia. Healthcare Appointment Respite Grant (HARG) is available to pay for respite services for carers who have no care provision in place.
Care For The Carers can help you access funding from East Sussex County Council to cover the cost of any care you need to put in place when you have to go to a healthcare appointments. This includes:
Healthcare appointments, e.g. GP, hospital, optician or dental appointments. Complementary therapies are not eligible unless they are provided through, or recommended by, the NHS, and documentation to support this should be included with the grant application.
Health treatments prescribed by the NHS, e.g. physiotherapy, smoking cessation clinics, weight management, falls prevention.
Counselling sessions where these are arranged by Care for the Carers or through your GP.
Training relating to the caring role, e.g. First Aid, manual handling, dementia or other condition-specific training, or other relevant training.
Pre-employment related activities, specifically job interviews, employment skills training courses and work trials. Carers being supported by Department for Works and Pensions to look for work should first contact their Work Coach or Work and Health Programme provider for assistance with these costs.
You can claim for a carer or personal assistant to come and spend time with the person you care for and you can claim up to £500 a year.
Call Care For The Carers 01323 738390 and select option 1 for the Carers Hub or email info@cftc.org.uk who will send you an expense form to fill in and will organise a payment directly to your bank account.